

Tomahawk and our Investments

Tomahawk.VC in less than 90 seconds

What companies do we invest in?
Geography: Where do we invest?
What does 'global-first' mean and entail?
Will I have to have remote employees for you to invest?

No, but we are looking for a global mindset - meaning you do create a culture where remote emplyees can be successful.

What companies have we invested in in the past?
What is Tomahawk.VC's value add?


How much does Tomahawk.VC invest?

We invest up to 500k USD at Pre-Seed and up to 1M USD at Seed

What companies do you have in your portfolio?

Check our homepage to see who we've partnered with in the past.

Our Process

What's important to us?
Why do we use video applications?
How should you prepare for your first call with us?
Can I do reference calls with some of the founders you already work with?

Yes, of course. At term sheet stage, we're happy to connect you with current portfolio founders.

Who on our team will you work with?

We're a small but driven team. You will most likely work with most of us on different topics - we all have our areas of expertise.

Why will we not sign your NDA?

VC in General

When do we cash out?
How does a VC make money?

Startup Success

What are the top three reasons for failure?
How to make meetings more efficient and fun?
How much should you raise?
How do you calculate the valuation for your startup?
When should you bootstrap vs fundraise?
How should you choose your investor (and avoid scams)?

Remote Work

How to build trust in a remote team?
Why will remote companies be more successful?
How to approach feedback in a remote team?
How do you build connection in a remote team?

What does Tomahawk.VC invest in?